At Linguistic Academy, our know-how is the result of our solid experience in language training. An extensive network with teaching experts and professionals in the field of education strengthens our reputation in the fields of corporate training and individual tuition..
Taking your specific needs into consideration, Linguistic Academy offers you tailor-made training programmes that will meet all your learning and practical expectations.
Linguistic Academy Method Key Principles :
The training / learning methodology is based on the accurate observation of the individual and group human process. The learners are at the centre of the training development; they are the main players in their own language acquisition progress.
Our tailor-made courses are designed to answer your company and your staff´s specific language needs. They allow fast and tangible practice of business communication and target vocabulary at your workplace with colleagues and partners alike.
Dynamic small groups of trainees result in optimal language acquisition productivity and efficiency. Groups being trained consist of 6 collaborators at most. These team members are first assessed to ensure that they have similar knowledge of the target language.
40-hour training programme cycles:
Each level comes with a set of specific targets that are based on the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages CECRL
Here is the list of objectives to reach, both for inhouse and outside programmes:
Initiation Cycle (A1)
At the end of this programme, beginners will be able to use enough vocabulary and structures to construct and understand simple sentences. These will allow them to participate in daily-life and professional conversations and exchanges while using adequate grammar.
Improvement Cycle (A2)
Les apprenants ayant les connaissances du niveau A1 seront capables en fin de formation de comprendre des phrases isolées et des expressions fréquemment utilisées en rapport avec leurs centres d’intérêts et leur domaine d’activité. Ils pourront communiquer sur des sujets familiers et habituels.
Advanced Improvement Cycles (B1 – B2)
Le participant sera capable de soutenir une conversation courante. Il pourra comprendre des sujets concrets ou abstraits, y compris une discussion technique dans sa spécialité. Il sera capable de s’exprimer de façon claire et détaillée sur une grande gamme de sujets.
Proficiency Cycles (C1 – C2)
Les niveaux C1 et C2 sont essentiellement organisés sous forme de tables de conversation.Les participants sont “libres” de choisir les sujets de discussion dans lesquels ils ont le besoin de rester performants (tels que leur profession ou leurs centres d’intérêt particuliers). Les participants seront capables d’animer une réunion dans la langue apprise, de prendre la parole, de concevoir des supports de présentation, etc.
Check out our training options for more information
- At the end of the fourth session: This crucial assessment ensures that the training answers all your needs and, should the need arise, allows the trainer to adapt the learning process to fully meet all requirements.
- At the end of the training programme.